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korea - brown rice

Pourmon / Dr. Dadangmi

Dr. Dadangmi

A functional rice that lowers blood sugar for diabetic patients was patented in May 2018 using a method for producing rice that reduces blood sugar. It has been proven to be highly effective in improving blood sugar levels through a joint research between Kyungnam University's Food and Nutrition Department.


Dr. Dadangmi helps lower blood sugar with the resistant starch produced during the production process.

Resistant starch produces approximately half the calories (2 kcal per gram) compared to regular starch, which generates 4 calories per gram. This indicates that calories are reduced by half when compared to normal starch.

The positive aspect of resistant starch is summarized as follows: it reduces calories by half. Even if consumed, it slowly raises blood sugar, acts as a prebiotic similar to soluble dietary fiber, and aids in weight loss by burning fat. Simply replacing just 5% of daily carbohydrate intake with resistant starch can increase post-meal fat burning rates by up to 30%.

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Diabetes Guide explains that resistant starch-containing foods can improve gut health, increase satiety, reduce cholesterol, and decrease the risk of colon cancer.

The method of cooking rice with resistant starch is completed by storing the cooked rice in the refrigerator at 1-4 degrees Celsius for 12-24 hours. This method is identical to the production process of Dr. Dadangmi rice, which is made by cooling the finished rice at 1-4 degrees Celsius for 12 hours.


The Experiments Conducted

In a clinical trial, when diabetic patients consumed the patented functional rice, changes in blood sugar levels were demonstrated in each round:

- The red line represents consuming white rice and not using diabetes medication.

- The light blue line represents consuming white rice and using diabetes medication.

 - The green line represents consuming patented brown rice and not using diabetes medication.


DR Dadangmi

The Results of Scientific Validation of the Patented Functional Rice's Effectiveness

The following research results are obtained from the analysis of the effect of patented functional rice, prepared using a rice production method aimed at lowering blood sugar, and an analysis of antioxidant components.

The patented functional rice has a blood sugar-reducing effect, suppressing the post-meal blood sugar spike. An oral glucose test was conducted on healthy adults, and it confirmed that, compared to white rice, blood sugar significantly decreased 60 minutes and 120 minutes after consumption in the group that consumed the patented functional rice. (Source: Kyungnam University Industrial Academic Collaboration Research)


Dr Dadangmi - RICE




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